Kirstien Bjerregaard, PhD, MBACP,

Why work with me?

I view being a psychologist through the lens of the word's original meaning, derived from the Greek words psychē (meaning mind, soul or spirit) and –logos (meaning logic, study, discourse). A student of the mind/body & spirit.

Through training, coaching, mentoring and counselling I support people to understand their psychological operating system, and how this intangible life energy shapes the human experience and explains our essential nature. I help people to become more aware of how their body/mind works together to find ways to release tension and distress, and access the vitality of being in the present moment.

Realising the inside-out, embodied nature of life, the source of our innate health and how our body/mind reflects this, enables people to

  • navigate life from greater clarity and simplicity

  • trust in their natural capacity to adapt and thrive

  • improve relationships, confidence and wellbeing

  • recover from burnout, trauma, illness

  • live life with more peace, ease and creativity

Is this for You?

The key to successful outcomes often lies in the quality of the relationship and the connection between us. If any of the following statements resonate with you, we may be a good match. Get in touch.

  • I am going through a difficult transition and I don’t know what to do with myself.

  • I am inclined to anxiety and overwhelm and can get stuck in patterns, reactivity and overthinking

  • I am burnt out and want to regain vitality and purpose but I don’t know how.

  • I am grieving and want to explore its impact.

  • I am facing challenges in my relationship and I am determined to enhance communication, love, and understanding within the partnership.

  • I want support to clear out limiting beliefs and disempowering stories so I can fulfil my potential.

  • I am a frontline professional who wants to feel more resourced to offer compassionate care without it taking a toll on my own wellbeing

  • I have a demanding job, I seek a coach who is rooting for me, guides me back to my expertise and wisdom and shines a light on my blind spots.


  • I recognize that I have the power to influence the course of my life and shape my experiences.

  • I desire to transform my experience of life.

  • I am seeking to cultivate a deeper trust in my ability to adapt and thrive.

  • I interested in exploring the ways in which my body/mind functions as an internal guidance system.

  • I am intrigued by the transformative potential of expanded states of consciousness and/or how psychedelic experiences activate inner healing intelligence.

What is it like to work with me?

I understand how people are innately resilient and capable of adapting and thriving regardless of their circumstances. This universal intelligence lives within us all. However, a lack of awareness of this natural capacity can result in unnecessary suffering and limitations.

I recognize that you are the expert in your life. My role is to support you to

  • tune into your inner wisdom, clarity, and potential.

  • transform disempowering stories & limited beliefs

  • expand your capacity to feel all emotions and know your ok

Like everyone else, I am human too. I embody and live out what I teach and I am always open to sharing about this and learning from you.

I am committed to supporting your growth and wellbeing, in my experience this is best watered and nourished through listening, light-heartedness, compassion, frankness and love.

Some of my education & experience

Eldest sister to 3, mother of 3. Founder of Frontline Resilience, now, Field of Possibility CIC.

10 years working in international emergency response, and UK community development.

Led training in resilience, wellbeing and transformational leadership since 2015

Enjoyed coaching and counselling individual and couples since 2016.

Co-created a physical and metaphorical Field-of-Possibility with husband, family and friends

  • PhD Social and Organisational Psychology (Exeter University, 2015)

  • Registered Member of British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, MBACP, (since 2016)

  • Advanced Diploma Integrated Psychotherapeutic Counselling, Dartmoor Centre of Psychotherapy (2016)

  • 3 Principles Practitioner Training (One Thought, 9 months, 2017-18)

  • Narrative Transformative Coach Training (InterBe, 6 months, 2014)

  • Rewilding the Body - Embodiment Workshop (2020)

  • Psychedelic-assisted Therapy Accredited Training integrated with Somatic work and Internal Family Systems (Integrated Psychiatry Institute, 1 year, 2024)

  • Psychedelic Practitioner Practicum Training with Experiential Training Institute (5 days, 2024)

  • Group Analysis Facilitator Training (1 year, 2006)

  • Member of Institute of Psychedelic Therapy (since 2024)